Updated on the 25th of August 2024
Imperial German maps of the Hollow Earth
Secret command matter!
Only for captains of the A-class submarines of the Führer's special convoy.
Submarine fleet of the Navy of the German Reich.
Maps for the passage of the depths of the seas.
Use only during manoeuvers!
Instructions to pass spaces and corridors for the voyage to Agartha.
A Russian journalist inspects these maps and had it confirmed by an oceanologist that all the data on these maps are real. These maps were given out by the Russian Secret Service. These maps were actually found by the end of the war in 1945!
Video from a Russian Journalist inspecting the material: (Russian with German subtitles)
This map shows us the main continent of this hemisphere named Asgard. On the continent Asgard a city is depicted: the city of the Asen. We can see the colony of New Swabia (Neu Schwabenland) with its capital city of New Berlin. The small swastikas depicts a submarine base of the Imperial German Navy. The main ocean in this hemisphere is named the Valkarian Ocean. (Source: Hollow Earth Blog)
Digitized version of this map:
This map shows us the main continent of this hemisphere named Liberia. The main ocean here again is also the Valkarian Ocean. On the lower part of the map the city of Shambala is depicted. The Tibetan Monks believe that the City of Shambala is not on our surface but on the inside of the Earth. This map of the Inner Earth shows us the actual position of Shambala confirming the actual existence of this mythical place. (Source: Hollow Earth Blog)
Digitized version of this map:
This is a close up of the document showing us the NS Seal and advice on how to work with it. It says in red:
In English:
Next to the Imperial German Eagle it says in German:
In English:
Below the signature, date and box it says:
Gedruckt für die Kriegsmarine in einer Auflage von 1300 Exemplaren im Sonderlabor von KZ Dachau. Januar 1944.
In English:
Printed for the Military Navy in an edition of 1300 copies at the special laboratory of the KZ Dachau. January 1944.
This means that the Imperial German Navy already had bases in the Inner Earth in January of 1944! New Berlin was already founded by that time. Nevertheless in another part of the document it is stated that they will need new men and women to settle in the Inner Earth to expand into these new territories.
This is a depiction of an underwater passageway to Agartha.
Translation (top left text on map below)
... I recommend, within the next 6 months with the powers of the extra formed commission to recruit in the Wehrmacht, Airforce,
Imperial Navy and in the Units of the SS a careful and concealed selection of volunteers for the development of the new
territories of the German Reich in New Swabia.
Leader, M. Bormann
The Fuehrer and Reichs Chancellor, the supreme commander of the armed forces.
This part of the Imperial German Map of the Hollow Earth gives a ten step guide in how to reach the Inner World of Agartha with a submarine. The German U Boots of the Type XI to XIII where very advanced for those days. The Imperial Germans of the Third Reich were free in their minds and spirits. They were not mental slaves like the billions of people who live on this planet today. When the minds are free creative work becomes the norm. That is why the Free German Citizens of the Third Reich created and engineered these incredible crafts like the Haunebu I, II, III, Vril I, 2, and Andromeda Devices. Nevertheless this part of the document gives us real coordinates on the World and the exact place where to dive to find this corridor to the Inner Earth of Agartha. It is also stated in the document that package nr. 3 should first be opened when arriving in Agartha.
English Translation
- 1. Dive. From the point of diving with half drive, a starboard slant of 10° with a bow load inclination angle of 5°. Distance 188 nm (nautical miles). The allowed depth of 500 meters. (during the driving in the corridor the pressure on the ship’s hull during maneuvers is marginally.)
- 2. Emerge. Ballast with a stern trim, emerge in an angle of 23° with a portside slant position of 22°. 190 meters upwards. Distance 75,5 nm.
- 3. Difficult maneuver! Emerge. Ballast with a stern trim, emerging inclination angle of 41° Drive straight forward. 110 meters upwards, distance 21,5 nm. Afterwards a starboard slant position of 8° until you emerge on the surface of the cave. Distance 81 nm.
- 4. Drive on the surface of the cave with a starboard slant position of 8°. Distance 286 nm.
- 5., 6 Difficult maneuver! Dive. With a bow load, inclination angle of 45°. Until a depth of 240 meters, distance 60 nm. Afterwards with a portside slant position of 20°,at which the diving until 310 meters until the drive in the corridor is continued. After the mark of 310 meters is the diving to be proceeded with a port load capacity. Diving angle of 7° until 360 meters. Distance 70 nm. Further starboard slant position of 31° until a depth of 380 meters.
- 7. Dive. Port load, emergence angle of 22°. 199 Meters upwards with a portside slant position of 26°. Distance 43 nm.
- 8. Emerge. Stern trim. Emergence angle of 45°, always straight forward, until you breach the surface in Agartha. Distance 70 nm.
- 9. Drive to Agartha. Full speed ahead. Look straight forward, until the new light is put out. Changing of the magnetpoles. The movements of the compass needles and other meters are to be ignored.
(Further instructions are in pakage Nr. 3. Open first when you arrive in Agartha!)
Google Map Coordinates of 68° Southern Latitude and 1° Eastern Longitude
German Text
1. Abtauchen. Vom Punkt des Abtauchens mit halber Fahrt, einer Steuerbord-Schräglage von 10° mit einer Buglastigkeit Neigungswinkel 5°. Entfernung 188 sm. Vorgegebene Tiefe 500 Meter (Aufgrund des fahrens im Korridor ist der Druck auf den Schiffskörper beim Manövrieren ein unwesentlicher.)
2. Auftauchen. Ballast mit einer Hecktrimmung, Auftauchwinkel 23° mit einer Backbord-Schräglage von 22°. 190 Meter nach oben. Entfernung 75,5 sm.
3. Schwieriges Manöver! Auftauchen. Ballast mit einer Hecktrimmung, Auftauchwinkel 41°. Fahrt – geradeaus. 110 Meter nach oben, Entfernung 21,5 sm. Danach steuerbord-Schräglage von 8° bis zum Auftauchen an die Oberfläche in der Grotte. Entfernung 81 sm.
4. Fahrt an der Oberfläche innerhalb der Grotte mit einer Steuerbord-Schräglage von 8°. Entfernung 286 sm.
5., 6 Schwieriges Manöver! Abtauchen. Mit einer Buglastigkeit, Neigungswinkel 45°. Bis auf einer Tiefe von 240 Metern, Entfernung 60 sm. Danach mit einer Backbord-Schräglage von 20°, wobei das Abtauchen bis auf 310 Meter bis zur Hinfahrt in den Korridor fortgesetzt wird. Nach der Marke 310 Meter ist das Abtauchen mit einer Buglastigkeit fortzusetzen. Abtauchwinkel 7° bis auf 360 Meter. Entfernung 70 sm. Weiter Steuerbord-Schräglage van 31° bis auf einer Tiefe von 380 Metern.
7. Abtauchen. Buglastigkeit, Auftauchwinkel 22°. 100 Meter nach oben mit einer Backbord-Schräglage von 26°. Entfernung 43 sm.
8. Auftauchen. Hecktrimmung. Auftauchwinkel 45°, immer geradeaus, bis zum Auftauchen an die Oberfläche von Agartha. Entfernung 70 sm.
9. Fahrt nach Agartha. Volle Fahrt. Sehet geradeaus, bis das neue Licht ausgemacht wird. Änderung der Magnetpole. Die Bewegungen der Kompas nadeln und Meßgeräte sind zu vernachlässigen!
(Weitere Andweisungen im Paket Nr. 3. Erst bei Eintreffen in Agartha öffnen!)
Letter from Karl Unger, crewmember of U Boat U-209
This is a letter from a German U Boat crewman of U-209. He says in the letter that U-209 commanded by
Heinrich Brodda made it to the Inner Earth of Agartha and that they wouldn't be coming back.
(Source: U-209 Hollow Earth Blog)
English translation of letter from Karl Unger
20 of April 1947
Dear old comrade,
This message will be a surprise to you. The U Boat 209 has made it, the Earth is HOLLOW! Dr. Haushofer and Hess were right. The whole crew is doing well, but they cannot come back. We are no prisoners. I am certain, that this message will reach you, it is the last contact with the U 209. We will meet again comrade. I am worried about the people that have to live on the surface, since the Fuehrer is gone.
God bless our Germany always.
With hearty greetings,
Karl Unger
German Text of Letter from Karl Unger, Crew member of the submarine U-209 commanded by Heinrich Brodda. (Source: U-209 Hollow Earth Blog)
20. April 1947
Lieber alter Kamerad,
Diese Nachricht wird eine Überraschung für dich sein. Das U-Boot 209 hat es geschafft die Erde ist HOHL!. Dr. Haushofer und Hess hatten recht. Der gesamten Mannschaft geht es gut, aber sie kann nicht zurückkehren. Wir sind keine Gefangenen. Ich bin sicher, dass diese Nachricht dich erreichen wird, es ist die letzte Verbindung mit der U 209. Wir werden uns wieder begegnen Kamerad. Ich bin in Sorge für jene, welche ihr Leben auf der Oberfläche der Erde zu verbringen haben, seit der Führer gegangen ist.
Gott segne immer unser Deutschland.
Mit Herzlichen Grüssen,
Karl Unger
Light armed flying disk (fighter): Type Vril from the SS E-IV secret archives
Light armed flying disk (fighter): type Vril
Diameter: 11,50 Meter
Propulsion: Schumann-Levitator (armored)
Control system: Magnetic-field-impulser 3a
Velocity: 2900 Kilometer per hour (so far), up to 12000 possible.
Range: 5,5 hours, (Flight charging via KS from Haunebu is being tested)
Armaments: 1 8cm KSK, remote controllable, below, +2 Mk 108 u. 2x Mk 17
Exterior armor: double viktalen
Crew: (depending on the type of use) 1 to 3 men
Space capability: 100%
Floating capacity: 12 Minuten
General flying ability: Weather-independent day and night
Basic operational readiness: ca. Sept. 1944, ev. earlier.
Schematic of the Vril 1 and Vril 2 flying disks compared to a person.
Haunebu I flight gyro schematics from the SS E-IV Secret Archives
Secret Command Document
Flight gyro trial status update | No. available | Number of test flights |
Haunebu I | available 2 pieces | 52 E-IV |
Haunebu II | available 7 pieces | 106 E-IV |
Haunebu III | available 1 piece | 19 E-IV |
Vril 1 | available 17 pieces | 84 (Schumann) |
Empfehlung: (recommendation) Speed up from final test and production of “Haunebu II” + “Vril I”
Schematic of the Haunebu I.
Medium heavy armed flight gyro type “Haunebu I”
Diameter: 25 meters
Propulsion: Thule Techyonator 7b
Steering controls: Mag-feld-impulser 4
Velocity: 4800 Kilom.p.Hour (arithmetically until 17000)
Range in flight hours: 18 hours
Armaments: 2 x 8 KSK in Turrets and 4 x Mk 108
External armour: Double Victalen
Crew: 8 men
Space capability: 60%
Hovering capacity: 8 minutes
Flight operation capacity: Day and Night
Fundamental applicability: 60%
Basic front availability not before the end of the year ‘44
Bemerkung (Remark): The SS E IV regards construction plans on Haunebu II to make more sense than to work on both types at the same time. The “Haunebu II” promises decisive improvements in nearly all points. Higher production costs seem justified – especially regarding the Führer special order. Flight gyro concerning.
Haunebu II flight gyro schematics from the SS E-IV Secret Archives
Haunebu II
7. November 1943
SS-Development Department IV
Medium heavy armed flight gyro Type “Haunebu II”
Diameter: 26.3 meter
Propulsion: “Thule” Tachyonator 7c (armoured TT disc 23.1 meters)
Steering controls: Mag-field-impulser 4a
Velocity: 6000 Kilometers p. Hour (arithmetically until around 21000 possible)
Range (in flight hours): approximately 55 hours
Armaments: 6x8 cm KSK in three turrets, one 11 cm KSK in one turret.
External armour: three bulkheads victalen.
Crew: 9 men (transport capacity until 20 persons)
Space capability: 100%
Hovering capacity: 19 minutes
Flight operation capacity: Day and night, weather independent
Fundamental applicability (V7): 85%
Availability “Haunebu II” (With good trial results like V7) from October. The series production around new year’s eve 1943/44, however without the improved Power Beam Canon. (KSK Kraft Strahl Kanone) “Donar KSK IIIV”, whose front availability will not be assumed before early summer 1944.
From the Fuehrer demanded hundred percent operational readiness around cannot be expected though before the end of the next year. First from about Series 9.
Haunebu III flight gyro schematics from the SS E-IV Secret Archives
Haunebu III
Heavy armed flight gyro “Haunebu III”
Diameter: 71 meters
Propulsion: Thule Tachyonator 7c plus Schumann-Levitators (armoured)
Steering controls: Mag-field-Impulser 4a
Velocity: around 7000 Kilom. p. hour. (arithmetically until 40000)
Range (in flight time): around 8 weeks (with S-L Flying 40% more)
Armaments: 4 x 11 cm KSK in rotary turrets (3 below, 1 on top) 10 x 8 cm KSK
In rotary rings plus 6 x Mk 108, 8 x 3 cm KSK remote controlled.
External armour: three bulkheads victalen
Crew: 32 men (transport capacity max. 70 persons)
Space capacity: 100%
Hovering capacity: 25 minutes
Flight operation capacity: weather independent day and night
Fundamental applicability: around 1945
Remark: SS-E-IV holds the necessary note, that the “Haunebu III”
Is a great work of German technology in development, because of the
situation of materials all work should be focused on building the available Haunebu II.
Together with the light flight gyros “Vril” of the Schumann Group we could surely fulfil the
Demands of the Fuehrer on time.
Haunebu IV flight gyro schematics from the SS E-IV Secret Archives
Schematics of a Haunebu IV
Diameter: 120 meters.
No further information is available on the plans to build this craft.
Andromeda Device
Armed carrier and long distance spaceship “Andromeda-Device”
Length: 139 meters
Diameter: 30 meters (in the center, computed)
Propulsion: 4 x Thule-tachyonators ||, 4 x Schumann-Levitators (armoured)
Steering controls: Mag-field-impulser 4b
Velocity: unknown, theoretically it should be possible to reach 300000
kilometers per second.
Range: unknown, theoretically unlimited
- 2 x rotary turrets m. 2 x 2 x 11 cm KSK
- 1 x rotary turret m. 1 x 1 x 11 cm KSK
- 2 x rotary turrets m. 2 x 3 x 7 cm KSK
- 4 x R100
External armour: unknown, probably three times victalen like in the Haunubu III
Crew: 130 men
Space capability: 100%
Hovering capacity: unknown, probably 25 minutes like the Haunebu III
Flight operation capacity: unknown, probably like the Haunebu III,
weather independent, day and night.
Fundamental applicability: unknown, but probably was planned for 1945/46
Dinghies: 1 x Haunebu II, 2 x Vril-1, 2 x Vril-2